Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Penn State Harrisburg Team Programming Team Places 120th in the World (out of 1838) and 17th in the USA (out of 251)

The IEEEXtreme 7.0 Programming Contest is 24-hour programming contest, which was held on October 26, 2013.  More than 1,800 teams competed in this worldwide contest, including more than 250 teams from the United States. 

The official results, which were just released, show that the Penn State Harrisburg team of Austin Barket, Isaac Polinsky, and Siddharth Dahiya placed 120th in the world, and 17th in the USA.  Congratulations!

Penn State Harrisburg teams have competed in the IEEEXtreme contest for the previous three years.  This year, Penn State Harrisburg fielded thirteen teams, each comprised of three undergraduate or graduate students.

The official results for the IEEEXtreme contest can be viewed at:http://www.ieee.org/membership_services/membership/students/competitions/xtreme/index.html

In addition to hearty congratulations for all of the participants, we would also like to thank the proctors:  Prof. Julie Lobur, Dr. Omar El Ariss, and Dr. Jeremy Blum.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Robotics Competition Sponsored by Penn State Harrisburg and HACC is featured in the Patriot News

The South Central PA Robotics Competition was covered in the Patriot News.  Thank you to the Computer Science students, who served as mentors and judges for the competition, including Christopher Cope, Siddharth Dahiya, Tyler Derr, Kevin Joseph, Viplav Patel, and Isaac Polinsky.


For more information about the contest, please see the contest website.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Penn State Harrisburg Students Mentor Local High School Students for Robotics Competition

Penn State CS students Tyler Derr and Siddharth Dahiya are mentoring Middletown Area High School (MAHS) students in preparation for the upcoming South Central Pennsylvania Robotics Competition. As described in the MAHS blog post below, this competition is sponsored by Penn State Harrisburg, HACC, and local high schools. The event has also received support from the IEEE and local industry.

Robots Invade MAHS

More information about the Robotics Competition can be found on the competition website.