12 teams from Penn State Harrisburg competed in the 2014 IEEEXtreme 8.0 programming contest. This world wide contest is open to undergraduate and graduate students. The contest included 2,275 teams worldwide, and more than 6000 participants. The teams from PSH represented the university well. The top four PSH teams included:
First Place Team: TwoStacks
Members: Steven Erb, Jesse Miller, and Pattanapoom Phinjirapong
Ranking in the U.S.: 29th out of 252 teams
Ranking in the World: 237th out of 2,275 teams
Second Place Team: BadWolf
Members: Christopher Cope, Siddharth Dahiya, and Isaac Polinsky
Ranking in the U.S.: 37th out of 252 teams
Ranking in the World: 278th out of 2,275 teams
Third Place Team: FreeFoodPlease
Members: Tyler Derr, Parth Shah, and Travis Stodter
Ranking in the U.S.: 55th out of 252 teams
Ranking in the World: 381st out of 2,275 teams
Fourth Place Team: MAGSQUAD
Members: Aymen Ben Salah, Melvin Walls, and Gal Yaroslavsky
Ranking in the U.S.: 65th out of 252 teams
Ranking in the World: 427th out of 2,275 teams
Congratulations to all of the participants! A photo album from the contest is available on the
PSH Math and Computer Science facebook page.