Sunday, October 27, 2013

IEEEXtreme 7.0

From 8 pm October 25th through 8 pm October 26th, teams from Penn State Harrisburg competed in the IEEEXtreme 7.0, a 24-hour programming contest.  The Penn State Harrisburg teams included 39 students in 13 teams, who competed against almost 1700 teams in this global competition.

Photos from the competition can be viewed on the PSH Math and Computer Science Facebook page.

Career Development Workshop Recap

On October 4, the ACM Student Chapter at Penn State Harrisburg organized a Career Development Workshop. Four recent graduates shared their experiences with the job search and interviewing process. The presenters were Nazia Latif from Intel, Mandeep Singh from Microsoft, Ben Leto with IBM, and Peter Okosun from Intel.

Pictures from the event are available on the PSH Math & Computer Science Facebook Page.