You are invited to the following talk presented by the Penn State Harrisburg Math Club:
Speaker: Dr. James Sellers
When/Where: W338 Olmstead 4:30 pm October 1, 2013
About the talk:
"In this talk, we will return to one of my favorite topics - Fibonacci numbers. We will "discover" a number of identities which are satisfied by the Fibonacci numbers, and then we will look at an extremely effective way of proving many such results using elementary facts we know about matrices. The talk will be completely self-contained and accessible to anyone interested in mathematics.”
About Dr James Sellers:
Dr Sellers is a Professor and the Associate Head for Undergraduate Mathematics at Penn State University at University Park. He has contributed to well over 75 mathematical publications in years past.
Open to campus community. Funded by SAF.
Food will be provided.
Questions? Contact Alex Milbrand at anm5469 (AT) psu (DOT) edu