Dickinson College sent one team, called TUX, and Penn State Harrisburg (PSH) fielded four teams. The PSH teams included:
- goto made up of David Sagang and Manik Sinha
- PSH1 made up of Siddharth Dahiya, Amanda Minner, and Mandeep Singh
- SuperMegaDeathWorm made up of Christopher Jackson, Jason Jones, and John Seaman
- Voraciously Boolean made up of Tyler Derr, Viplav Patel, and Brad Steinbacher
Congratulations go out to all participants who successfully competed in this grueling contest. Special congratulations to Christopher Jackson, Jason Jones, and John Seaman for coming in first out of all of the PSH teams. In addition, David Sagang, Manik Sinha, and Mandeep Singh deserve endurance awards for staying awake throughout the entire contest.
Special thanks to the IEEE Susquehanna Section for providing food for participants, the Math and Computer Science program at PSH for allowing use of their labs, and Prof. Julie Lobur for proctoring the contest during the graveyard shift.